How to get Grants for Small Businesses in Spain?

Authorities in Spain offer various financial aid and grants for small businesses. The government incentivizes small businesses to encourage investment, economic growth, and competitiveness. The grants for small businesses in Spain are designed to stimulate research, productive investment, development, and innovation (RDI).

grants for small businesses in spain

The grants for small businesses include the following:

  • Grants for small businesses in Spain include incentives in specific industrial sectors
  • The incentives also include investment in particular areas
  • Grants for small businesses include significant incentives for small and medium-sized businesses
  • Last but not least, the grants include preferable financing from ICO (Official Credit Institute)

Different types of Grants for Small Businesses in Spain

These grants for small businesses are specifically designed to cater to the needs of startups in Spain. They are a general offering and a targeted support system for your business. Here are some notable ones as per Paapaya:

1. Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) Loans: ICO loans are a great option for grants for small businesses in Spain. Positive qualifications for ICO provide financing products for SMEs. ICO also finances SME businesses. These include loans for investment, liquidity, and international expansion.

2. ENISA (Empresa Nacional de Innovación): ENISA provides loans to innovative SMEs and startups. Their funding is specifically designed to fuel projects with high innovation and promising growth potential. ENISA inspires and motivates small businesses to reach for the stars.

3. CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial): Another outstanding grants for small businesses is CDTI. CDTI offers grants and soft loans for technological development projects. CDTI only funds technological development projects – subsidies and ‘soft’ capital. They support initiatives that enhance technological capabilities and innovation in businesses.

4. Regional Government Grants: Various autonomous communities in Spain provide grants and subsidies to local businesses. For instance, the Comunidad de Madrid, Catalonia, and Andalusia have specific programs to support entrepreneurship and small businesses.

5. European Union Funds: EU funding programs such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF) benefit Spain. These grants support business development, innovation, and employment.

6. Chambers of Commerce: Local chambers of commerce are more than just a source of information on available grants. They are a great source for grants for small businesses in Spain. They are your partners in this financial journey. They can provide valuable support and advice for small businesses. They provide information on funding, guiding and reassuring you every step of the way.

7. Industry-Specific Grants: Certain industries, such as tourism, agriculture, and technology, have dedicated grant programs. For example, the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism offers specific grants to promote tourism-related projects.

8. Digital Kit Program (Kit Digital): This program provides grants to SMEs for the digital transformation of their businesses, including the adoption of digital tools and services.

9. Grants:, a public corporate entity, offers various grants to foster the digital economy and support SMEs in digital transformation. can be a great choice for grants for small businesses.

10. Crowdfunding and Private Grants: Platforms and private entities also provide funding opportunities. While not government grants, these can be valuable sources of capital for small businesses.

How do you get government grants for small businesses in Spain?

To secure government grants for a small businesses in Spain, follow the steps below:

  1. Research Available Grants:
    • ICEX-Invest in Spain provides a comprehensive guide on state incentives and aid, including national, regional, and local grants. Access this guide.
    • European Union Funds: Programs like Horizon 2020 and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) offer grants for innovative projects and regional development​.

  1. Identify Suitable Grants: Pinpoint the specific grants that align with your business type, industry, and goals. Don’t overlook sector-specific grants for agri-food, renewable energy, or ICT sectors.​

  1. Prepare Required Documentation:
    • Business Plan: Include the nature of your business, financial projections, capacity to generate employment, and overall project viability​.
    • Legal and Financial Documents: Ensure you have your business registration documents, tax identification number (NIE), proof of labor and professional qualifications, and any necessary licenses or permits.

  1. Apply for the Grants:
    • National and Regional Applications: The grant issuer’s specific guidelines are designed to help you. Check the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism website for national grants. For regional grants, refer to the respective autonomous community’s official site. Remember, you can navigate this process successfully.
    • EU Funding Applications: Visit the European Commission’s official website for detailed application processes for programs like Horizon 2020 and ERDF.

  1. Seek Assistance:
    • Business Advisors: Engage with local business advisors or consultancies to help navigate the application process and meet all requirements. They provide perceptions and help tailored to your business needs​.

  1. Monitor and Follow-Up:
    • Keep track of application deadlines. To check the status of your application, check the respective authorities.

By thoroughly researching and preparing your application, you can greatly increase your chances of receiving the necessary grants. These government grants can provide the crucial financial support your business in Spain needs to thrive and grow, offering a promising future for your entrepreneurial journey.

Paapaya’s affordable packages for small businesses in Spain

Paapaya is your partner in digital growth. We offer cost-efficient packages. Our technical expertise shines in creating WordPress websites that stand out in this digital era. These websites are not just functional but also give you a competitive edge. In the table below, you will find our A-Z services and the packages for different types of website creation in Spain.

MarketProductDescriptionIncluded  ServicesPrice
SpainWebsitePaapaya Complete PackageWordPress Training (Editing Mode), Optional design, Technical SEO, Domain Name Setup, Dedicated Contact Person, Integration of Google Analytics, Four Feedback Rounds, Images and Videos from Our Image Bank, Third-Party Reviews, Paapaya TreeMonthly:190.00€
ServicePaapaya Service Package3 months of free service, 1 consultant hour/month, Updates of WordPress themes and plugins, Guarantee for Hacked Website, Repair Back up on a separate server once a day, 24/7 web monitoring, Phone and email supportMonthly:89.00€
GrowthPaapaya Growth PackageGoogle My Business, Google Workspace, Google Gmail set up, SEO best practise, Keyword research and reportMonthly:89.00€

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